Account Opening Requirements:
- Completed account opening package i.e. comprising of mandate and KYC
- Two completed signature cards
- Three recent passport photographs each duly endorsed at the back by the account holder
- In the case of joint accounts, signature cards are to be completed by signatories with signing instructions e.g. “Both to sign”, “Either to sign” or “Any two or three to sign” clearly given.
- Completed account opening package i.e. comprising of mandate and KYC
- Two signature cards (To be completed by authorized signatories)
- Copy of registered and executed partnership agreement to be submitted.
- Copy of Business Name Registration Certificate (if partnership operates under business name).
- Three (3) recent passports photographs each of authorized signatories.
- Registered address of the business to be given.
- Copy of Resolution appointing the bank as bankers to the partnership.
Clubs, Societies and Voluntary Organizations
- Completed account opening package i.e. comprising of mandate and KYC
- Two Signature cards (to be completed by Authorized Signatories).
- Certificate of Registration obtained from the Ministry responsible for co-operative societies: (for sighting and photocopy for records)
- Three (3) recent passport photographs of each authorized signatory
- Resolution from clubs, society’s or organization’s executive committee requesting to open account with the Bank, and specifying signatories.
- Completed account opening package i.e. Mandate card and KYC (Corporate Groups).
- Completed signature cards.
- Board resolution to open account with BOA specifying signatories.
- Copy of memorandum and articles of association (In case of limited liability companies) and
- Copy of certificate of incorporation.