Non Agric Loans

Non Agric Loans

Micro Credit

Loan size – Maximum of NGN250, 000.00
Loan tenor – Short Term (not more than 2years)
Interest rate – At Prevailing Rates
Target group – Small holder farmers, petty traders, artisans, etc.
Lien deposit – 20% of loan amount required
Security – 2 reputable guarantors
Must operate account with the Bank for a minimum period of 90 days
The micro projects must be viable
Can be accessed by Individual, cooperatives or self-help groups


Entry level – N20,000.00 – N40,000.00
Target Group – Rural active poor
Loan tenor – Maximum of 10 months
Lien deposit – 10%
Interest rate – At Prevailing Rates
Project types – Micro enterprise
Approving authority – Branch Credit Committee
Mode of collection – Weekly at Group Meetings
Security – Cross guarantee of Group members
Accessible only through women group


Kindly  note that the Online Loan Application is not yet ready for use.
Customers or Users will be appropriately notified once the E-commerce/Banking portals are ready for use.
Customers should go to the nearest BOA Branches for any form of transactions with the bank.

Please beware of impostors.