Agro-Processing Facility

Component of Agricultural Value Chain:
To ensure National Food Security and reduce post-harvest losses, the Bank has developed a credit product known as “Agro-processing Facility”.
The facility will provide funds to existing or potential private investors who desire to establish an urban or cottage agro-processing industry
The existing or potential private investors might require one or all of the following:

  • For limited liability companies
  • Companies duly registered with Cooperate Affairs Commission (CAC)
  •  Agro-business to be a clause in the Memart of the company
  •  Board resolution to access facility from bank of agriculture
  •  Provision of viable, profitable and bankable business plan/feasibility study.
  •  Evidence of registration with NAFDAC
  •  Recent tax clearance certificate required
  •  Last 3 years statement of audited account or statement of affairs in the case of new companies required.